Privacy & Cookie Policy

This "Privacy Policy" regulates the processing of your personal data by the data controller who has responsibility for the processing: Pubmaster bv, having its registered office at Ferdinand Coosemansstraat 83, 2600 Berchem (Belgium) and registered in the Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen [equivalent to Companies House] under number BE 0436.794.265 (hereinafter: “Pubmaster bv”). You are advised to read this Privacy Policy carefully, because it contains essential information about how your personal data are processed and which cookies are used. By providing your personal data on the website and by providing Personal Data via the email addresses specified on this website, you declare that you have taken note of this Privacy Policy and expressly agree to it as well as to the processing itself.

Article 1 - General

1.1 Pubmaster bv complies with the "Act of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy with regard to the processing of personal data", as amended by the Act of 11 December 1998 as well as the anti-spam provisions of Book XII of the Code of Economic Law concerning the "law of the electronic economy”.

1.2 Pubmaster bv is also in line with the European Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of personal data by means of the current Privacy Policy.

1.3 The data controller for the processing of your personal data is Pubmaster bv. A statement was deposited with the Committee for the Protection of Privacy regarding the processing of your personal data.

Article 2 - Personal data

2.1 Personal data that you communicate to us:

  • Category 1: if you have not registered: your IP address;

  • Category 2: when forms have been filled in or orders have been placed without registration: all fields in the form, as well as your IP address;

  • Category 3: if you have registered: all fields in the form, as well as your IP address and password;

  • Category 4: via cookies.

2.2 Pubmaster bv can collect data from you (Personal Data) in different ways:

a. through the use of cookies (see below);

b. when you register and when you use the Website;

2.3 The Website also uses cookies that collect certain personal data. For the provisions regarding the use of cookies, see Article 9.

Article 3 - Purposes of the processing

3.1 General purposes:

Pubmaster bv will only use the Personal Data collected from you for the following purposes:

  • Category 1: for providing and improving this Website and for including Personal Data in anonymous statistics, from which the identity of specific persons or companies cannot be determined, based on the legitimate interests of Pubmaster bv to continuously improve its Website and services;

  • Category 2: for managing your account on this Website with a view to the use of our Pubmaster bv and website, having as its legal basis the performance of an agreement that was requested by you, and, if indicated by you, also for sending out direct marketing, having as its legal basis your explicit prior consent;

  • Category 3: for sending out to you direct marketing, newsletters, promotions and promotions, having as its legal basis your explicit prior consent;

  • Category 4: for improving the user experience and for statistical purposes (see below), having as its legal basis your explicit prior consent;

You are not obliged to release Your Personal Data, but you understand that it will not be possible to provide certain services if You do not give your consent to processing.

3.2 Direct marketing:

Personal data will also be used for direct marketing, provided You have given additional explicit consent for this ("opt-in”).

If you have already been included in our mailing list for receiving marketing material in paper and/or electronic form, Pubmaster bv may use your details for sending marketing and other material with regard to Pubmaster bv, its products and/or services. Pubmaster bv can use the data you provide for updating documents stored by Pubmaster bv.

This consent can be withdrawn at any time, without justification and free of charge, for example by clicking on the appropriate unsubscribe link at the bottom of each promotional e-mail message.

3.3 Transfer to third parties:

In the event of a complete or partial reorganisation or transfer of activities of Pubmaster bv, whereby its business activities are reorganised, transferred or ceased, or if Pubmaster bv goes bankrupt, this may mean that your data are transferred wholly or partly to new entities or third parties via whom the business activities of Pubmaster bv are performed wholly or partly.

Pubmaster bv will make reasonable efforts to inform you in advance of the fact that Pubmaster bv discloses your details to said third party, but you also acknowledge that this is not technically or commercially feasible under all circumstances.

Pubmaster bv will not sell your Personal Data, nor rent, distribute or otherwise make commercially available to third parties, except as described above or with your prior consent.

3.4 Legal requirements:

In rare cases, it may occur that Pubmaster bv must disclose your Personal Data pursuant to a court order or to comply with other mandatory laws or regulations. Pubmaster bv will make reasonable efforts to inform you in advance of this, unless this is subject to legal restrictions.

Article 4 - Duration of the processing

Personal data are stored and processed by us for a period that is necessary, depending on the purposes of the processing and depending on the contractual relationship between Pubmaster bv and You.

Article 5 - Your rights

5.1 Right of access and inspection:

You have the right to receive access to your personal data free of charge at any time, as well as the right to be informed of the use that We make of Your personal data.

5.2 Right of improvement, deletion and restriction:

You are free to decide whether or not to share your personal details with Pubmaster bv. You also have the right to request Us to correct, supplement or delete Your personal data. You acknowledge that if you do not give consent to the sharing of your personal data or if you request your personal data to be deleted, then it will not be possible to provide certain services and products.

You may also request that restrictions are placed on the processing of your Personal Data.

5.3 Right to object:

You also have a right to object to the processing of your personal data for serious and legitimate reasons.

In addition, you always have the right to object to the use of personal data for direct marketing purposes; in such a case, you do not have to give reasons.

5.4 Right to freely transfer data:

You have the right to obtain your Personal Data that have been processed by Us in a structured, standard and machine-readable form and/or to transfer it to other data controllers.

5.5 Right to withdraw consent:

Insofar as processing is based on your prior consent, you have the right to withdraw that consent.

5.6 Exercising your rights:

You can exercise your rights by contacting us for this purpose, either by email to, or by post to Pubmaster bv, Ferdinand Coosemansstraat 83, 2600 Berchem.

5.7 Automated decisions and profiling:

The processing of your personal data does not include profiling and we will not make automated decisions about You either.

5.8 Right to complain:

You have the right to file a complaint with the Belgian Privacy Commission: Commission for the Protection of Privacy, Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels, Tel +32 (0)2 274 48 00, Fax +32 (0)2 274 48 35, email:

This is without prejudice to a court order given by a civil court.

If you suffer damage as a result of the processing of your personal data, you can submit a claim for compensation.

Article 6 - Security and confidentiality

6.1 We have developed security measures that are technically and organisationally adapted to prevent the destruction, loss, forgery, modification, unauthorised access or notification by mistake to third parties of personal data that have been collected as well as any other unauthorised processing of these data.

6.2 Under no circumstances can Pubmaster bv be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from incorrect or unlawful use by a third party of the personal data.

6.3 You must comply with the security regulations at all times, for example by preventing any unauthorised access to your login and code. You are therefore solely responsible for the use made of the Website from Your computer, IP address as well as for Your identification data, as well as for the confidentiality thereof.

Article 7 - Access by third parties

7.1 In order to process your personal data, We allow our employees to access Your personal data.

7.2 We guarantee a similar level of protection by imposing contractual obligations which are similar to this Privacy Policy and which can be enforced against these employees and appointees.

Article 8 - Cookies

8.1 What are cookies?

A "cookie" is a small file sent by the server of Pubmaster bv and placed on the hard drive of your computer. The information stored on these cookies can only be read by Us and only for the duration of the visit to the Website.

8.2 Why do we use cookies?

Our site uses cookies and similar technologies to differentiate your usage preferences from those of other users of our Website. This helps us to provide you with a better user experience when you visit our Website website and also allows us to optimise our Website.

As a result of recent legislative changes, all websites aimed at certain parts of the European Union are required to seek your consent for the use or storage of cookies and similar technologies on your computers or mobile devices. This cookie policy provides you with clear and comprehensive information on the cookies we use and the reasons why we use them.

8.3 Types of cookies:

Although there are different types of cookies, distinguished in terms of functionality, origin or storage period, the legislation mainly distinguishes between cookies that are functionally or technically necessary on the one hand and all other cookies on the other hand.

The Website only uses the following cookies:

Functional cookies

NameOriginFunctionStorage timewebhero_sessionCurrent domainLinking the active server session to the visitor (used for language settings, logging in)Until after the sessionXSRF-TOKENCurrent domainA token that serves to protect forms against spamUntil after the session

For cookies placed by third parties (e.g. Google Analytics), please read the statements that these parties give on their respective websites. N.B.: we do not exercise any influence on the content of these statements, nor on the content of the cookies of these third parties: Google Analytics cookies

8.4.Your consent:

You can always refuse or block cookies by changing the configuration parameters of your navigation system. Disabling cookies may mean that you cannot use certain features of the Website.

If you have further questions or comments regarding the processing of Your personal data, please contact us, either by email to, or by post to Pubmaster bv, Ferdinand Coosemansstraat 83, 2600 Berchem, or by going to the "Contact us" part on the Website.

More information about cookies can also be found on:

More information about online behavioural advertising and online privacy can be found here:

General conditions

These are the general conditions (hereinafter: “General Terms & Conditions") of Pubmaster bv, having its registered office at Ferdinand Coosemansstraat 83, 2600 Berchem (Belgium) and registered in the Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen [equivalent to Companies House] under number BE 0436.794.265. (hereinafter referred to as: “Pubmaster bv”). 

Article 1 - Scope

These General Terms & Conditions apply to every offer, every quotation and every agreement reached with regard to products and/or services offered by us. 

These General Terms & Conditions apply to the exclusion of the Customer's general terms & conditions.

Article 2 - Quotations

Our quotations are purely indicative and without obligation and expire if they are not accepted by the Customer within 30 calendar days. Quotations only become legally valid in the capacity of an agreement once the quotation has been signed by the Customer and by us. We also reserve the right to refuse certain orders without giving any reason.

Article 3 - Price and payment 

The price for our goods/services is mentioned on the quotation. 

All our invoices are payable within 14 days of receipt, unless the quotation specifies a different due date. If we ask for an advance payment, we will only start our activities once we have received the advance payment. 

For every delay in payment, the Customer will owe default interest of 1% per commenced month from the due date of the invoice and without prior notice of default, with each month that has been commenced being deemed to be a full month, whereby the foregoing is without prejudice to any compensation or costs. Likewise, a lump sum fee of 10% of the invoice amount with a minimum of 250 euros as compensation is payable by operation of the law and without prior notice of default; moreover, in addition to the principal sum, interest on arrears as well as the costs of collection, notices of demand and prosecution, as well as expenses due to loss of time and legal or legal costs, are also payable. This damage clause does not detract from the obligation to pay the stipulated amount of interest on arrears. 

We must be notified of disputes by registered letter within five working days of the invoice, otherwise they will be declared inadmissible.

Article 4 - Duration of the agreement and cancellation

Our agreements can be entered into as described in our quotations. The agreement can at all times be cancelled unilaterally and without judicial intervention by us if the Customer is in bankruptcy or composition proceedings, or if the customer has not paid its invoices. 

Article 5 - Intellectual property rights

Our website, logos, texts, photos, names and in general all our communications are protected by intellectual property rights that are either held by us or by our suppliers or by other rights-holders.

Intellectual property rights are understood to mean patent, copyright, trademark, drawing and design rights and/or other (intellectual property) rights, including whether or not patentable technical and/or commercial know-how, methods and concepts.

It is forbidden to make use of and/or to make changes to the intellectual property rights as described in this Article. For example, the customer shall not copy or reproduce our drawings, photographs, texts, logos, colour combinations, etc., without our prior and express written consent. 

Article 6 - Confidentiality and privacy

We are responsible for the processing of your personal data and process these data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation;

For more information about the processing of personal data, please refer to our Privacy & Cookie Policy.

Article 7 - Liability

We are not liable except in case of intent or gross error. Moreover, we are  not liable for any direct or indirect damage (such as consequential loss, lost profit, missed savings or loss due to business interruption) for which we have not explicitly determined our liability in these terms & conditions. Our liability will in all cases be limited to the amount of the price stipulated for that order (excl. VAT).

We make every effort to provide access to the website 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. In view of the technical characteristics of the Internet and IT resources, and given the need to carry out periodic maintenance, updating or upgrading work, we cannot guarantee uninterrupted access and service. In the event of normally acceptable interruption or disruption to access or service, we make every effort to remedy this within as short a time as possible. Such normally acceptable interruptions or disruptions are inherent to services provided via the internet and cannot be considered as shortcomings. 

Article 8 Force majeure

In case of force majeure, we are not obliged to fulfil our obligations. In that case we can either suspend our obligations for the duration of the force majeure or terminate the agreement permanently. 

Force majeure is any circumstance beyond our control and control that prevents the fulfilment of our obligations, wholly or partly. The following list is a non-exhaustive list of what we understand by this term: strikes, unexpected traffic jams, accidents on European roads, fire, business failures, power failures, disruptions in a (telecommunications) network or connection or used communication systems and/or the unavailability of the website at any time, non-delivery or late delivery from suppliers or other third parties, etc. 

Article 9 - Invalidity and completeness

These General Terms & Conditions constitute the entire agreement between the customer and us, with regard to the subject-matter included therein.

If one or more provisions of these Terms & Conditions turn out at any time to be wholly or partially unlawful, void or for any other reason unenforceable, this clause shall be deemed to be separate from these General Terms & Conditions and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions. 

Article 10 - Competence and applicable law

Belgian law applies to all disputes related to or arising from our offerings and/or agreements. In case of dispute or dispute, only the courts of the judicial district where our registered office is located are competent.